EDANDO, offers a series of reports and business process outsourcing (B.P.O.) services:



Commercial Information: company name, location and province (only for companies in the Spanish territory).

All commercial information will be provided by the EDANDO team, based on the category requested and the HS code provided by the subscriber.



1. Country Overview - Analyse Report.

To assess our clients in identifying the needs of a country by product sector. We examine the actual export value for an item (or items) by sector or by item and a facilitated market. We do this by associating the supply of an exporting country, in our case India, with the demand of a particular market (Spanish-speaking countries), comparing it with recent exports and imports.
See example.

Within this report, we can offer you a second customized report related to your sector.

2. Product Report.

In this report we reflect the breakdown from the HS code of the selected product from the importing country and the exporting country. In addition, the volume of imports and exports on that selected product will be shown.
See example.

3. Detailed report of the companies.

In this report, we will show you the companies dedicated to the product you have selected. In addition, for more detail, we offer you the files of the selected companies so that you can contact them directly.
See example.

4. Company profile report.

5. What market do I want to target?

Likewise, if you have doubts about which country to go to, we advise you to find out the market where there is the greatest share of business opportunities for your company's sector, making a comparison with the rest of the Spanish-speaking countries based on the value of business generated in recent years. For such purpose, please contact us and we will prepare the required information for you.


If you are interested in acquiring some of the reports mentioned above, please contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



1. Locate the product you want in different Spanish- Speaking Countries companies:

Our team will search for the product you want to import among a wide variety of Spanish- Speaking Countries companies, selecting those that best fit the requirements of our customers.

2. Analyse, compare prices and quality, and negotiate with suppliers:

Once the companies have been selected, we begin to analyse each one of them and compare both the quality of their products and the prices they offer. Thus, after being informed of the quality-price ratio, we negotiate with the suppliers to try to get more accessible prices. In addition, to provide greater quality and security to our customers, we ask these companies to send us samples of their products.

3. Contact these companies by mail and telephone, taking advantage of our knowledge of Spanish:

All of us who are part of EDANDO are fluent in Spanish which will allow us to communicate and negotiate with the companies.

4. Assistance in obtaining distribution of new brands and products:

As it is well known, India’s export to Latin America has increased to 13.2 billion dollars in 2019 20. For this reason, we help Indian companies to export innovative products of optimum quality (better than those offered by other Asian countries) for their subsequent distribution in the Spanish Speaking Countries.

5. Help on how to import products, freight calculations and customs duties:

In order to save work and worries to our clients, EDANDO takes care of all import procedures, which include: requesting all required documents and freight calculation by air or sea to the exporting company. We also inform and let our clients know the cost of customs duties (which varies according to the composition of the product to be imported and the final use given to it).

6. Assistance in exporting. In the same way that EDANDO offers its services to import products to India, we also take care of helping in the export to India: Locating companies in the sector, contacting them, and negotiating, etc.

7. Assistance in introducing your brand and attracting customers.



If you are interested in acquiring B.P.O. services, please contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Here you can download the PERSONALIZED CATALOGUE OF THE SERVICES that edando offers.